DEU CENG Security Research Group

+90(232) 301 74 10

Tınaztepe Kampusu

Buca 35390 Izmir, Türkiye

215E225 TÜBİTAK 3001
Genetik Algoritma Kullanılarak Üretilen Sözderastsal Sayı Üretecinin ENT Test Sonuçları

Another pseudo-randomness testing software is ENT Test Suite that is defined and detailed in web site. ENT applies a set of statistical tests to an output file generated by the PRNG. In Table 2, the three ENT test results for 128 MB output files that are generated from randomly selected seed values are given.
Entropy result can be 8 at maximum, because each character is encoded in 1 byte that stores 8 bits. Since calculated entropy values are high as seen on Table 2, the compression rate is 0% that is a good result. Chi-square rate is expected to be in between 10% and 90%, which are also satisfied. Arithmetic mean is calculated by dividing sum of all the bytes generated by file length. Perfect score is 127.5 so, generated PRNG has successful results for that value. Monte Carlo Value for Pi test returns a result that converges to a Pi value. The resulting values are close to Pi with a very small error rate between %0 and %0.01 which is a good result.
Serial correlation coefficient shows how much a byte in the sequence depends upon the previous bytes. It is expected that this value should be close to zero either the value is negative or positive. As in Table 2, generated PRNG has serial correlation coefficient values that are close to zero.

Test 2,121,363,896 (1st seed) 897,893,119 (2nd seed) 1,732,455,681 (3rd seed)
Entropy 7.999999 bits/byte 7.999999 bits/byte 7.999999 bits/byte
Compression Rate 0% 0% 0%
Χ2 Statistic 276.17 (17.31%) 255.47 (48%) 255.1035 (48.64%)
Arithmetic Mean 127.4947 127.5085 127.5012
Monte Carlo π 3.141592609012 (0.00% error) 3.141444551072 (0.00% error) 3.141423987469 (0.01% error)
Serial Correlation Coefficient -0.000100633592 -0.000123993062 -0.00000661128
