Konton Results for eMT (Zi&Zi+1): the bit runs statistic = 7.48555 [P = 0.6789] the alt. 1 bit runs statistic = 6.48487 [P = 0.7730] the alt. 2 bit runs statistic = 12.84132 [P = 0.2327] the alt. 3 bit runs statistic = 5.58109 [P = 0.8491] the alt. 4 bit runs statistic = 6.38593 [P = 0.7819] the alt. 5 bit runs statistic = 8.09622 [P = 0.6194] the block bit freq. statistic = 207.16943 [P = 0.9888]^ the bit frequency statistic = 2.27028 [P = 0.1319] the tidbit frequency statistic = 3.64478 [P = 0.3025] the nibble frequency statistic = 25.54033 [P = 0.0431]* the byte frequency statistic = 238.03076 [P = 0.7701] the bit 0 statistic = 0.12915 [P = 0.7193] the bit 1 statistic = 0.06850 [P = 0.7935] the bit 2 statistic = 3.97660 [P = 0.0461]* the bit 3 statistic = 0.00299 [P = 0.9564]^ the bit 4 statistic = 0.00343 [P = 0.9533]^ the bit 5 statistic = 0.00031 [P = 0.9860]^ the bit 6 statistic = 0.30121 [P = 0.5831] the bit 7 statistic = 9.27155 [P = 0.0023]** the overall bit statistic = 13.75374 [P = 0.0884]* the 8-bit-sum statistic = 4.94585 [P = 0.7633] the 16-bit-sum statistic = 2.51256 [P = 0.2847] the 32-bit-sum statistic = 0.53853 [P = 0.7639] the odd/even-bit-sum statistic = 53.28132 [P = 0.8036] the 64-bit matrix statistic = 271.28760 [P = 0.2309] the 128-bit matrix statistic = 250.92920 [P = 0.5603] the 256-bit matrix statistic = 249.29932 [P = 0.5889] the 512-bit matrix statistic = 237.57617 [P = 0.7764] the 1024-bit matrix statistic = 219.00635 [P = 0.9501]^ the 2048-bit matrix statistic = 232.02100 [P = 0.8461] the bit prediction A statistic = 1.65144 [P = 0.1988] the bit prediction B statistic = 1.17685 [P = 0.2780] the bit prediction C statistic = 0.05037 [P = 0.8224] the bit prediction D statistic = 0.45236 [P = 0.5012] the bit prediction E statistic = 1.03040 [P = 0.3101] the byte prediction A statistic = 0.20613 [P = 0.6498] the byte prediction B statistic = 0.17868 [P = 0.6725] the byte prediction C statistic = 0.01985 [P = 0.8879] the byte prediction D statistic = 0.01569 [P = 0.9003]^ the byte repetition statistic = 0.00098 [P = 0.9750]^ the 2-byte AND statistic = 13.71262 [P = 0.0330]* the 4-byte AND statistic = 5.82928 [P = 0.0542]* the 4-byte AND-OR statistic = 4.49652 [P = 0.1056] the 2-byte up/down statistic = 17.09635 [P = 0.0002]*** the 4-byte up/down statistic = 38.16630 [P = 0.0000]**** the rect. distance statistic = 5.86581 [P = 0.4384] the 4-byte collision statistic = 0.06777 [P = 0.7946] the 6-byte collision statistic = 0.53953 [P = 0.4626] the 8-byte collision statistic = 0.00387 [P = 0.9504]^ the 12-byte collision statistic = 0.00206 [P = 0.9638]^ the 16-byte collision statistic = 0.01299 [P = 0.9093]^ the 24-byte collision statistic = 1.87289 [P = 0.1711] the 32-byte collision statistic = 1.15443 [P = 0.2826] the 1-byte offset XOR statistic = 229.35938 [P = 0.8741] the 2-byte offset XOR statistic = 256.06934 [P = 0.4694] the 6-byte offset XOR statistic = 266.99219 [P = 0.2904] the 24-byte offset XOR stat. = 261.49805 [P = 0.3765] the 120-byte offset XOR stat. = 228.45703 [P = 0.8828] the 720-byte offset XOR stat. = 215.38477 [P = 0.9660]^ the 5040-byte offset XOR stat. = 277.63672 [P = 0.1578] the 40320-byte offset XOR stat. = 286.52051 [P = 0.0851]* the 362880-byte off. XOR stat. = 301.09473 [P = 0.0251]* the mod 3 statistic = 0.38398 [P = 0.8253] the mod 5 statistic = 1.76808 [P = 0.7783] the mod 7 statistic = 3.62877 [P = 0.7268] the mod 11 statistic = 7.44549 [P = 0.6828] the mod 13 statistic = 12.25860 [P = 0.4251] the mod 17 statistic = 6.04056 [P = 0.9877]^ the mod 19 statistic = 15.93048 [P = 0.5974] the mod 23 statistic = 17.43232 [P = 0.7391] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------