Konton Results for MixBits (Zi&Zi+1): the bit runs statistic = 10.04598 [P = 0.4365] the alt. 1 bit runs statistic = 7.66082 [P = 0.6619] the alt. 2 bit runs statistic = 4.10724 [P = 0.9424]^ the alt. 3 bit runs statistic = 6.89124 [P = 0.7357] the alt. 4 bit runs statistic = 8.18864 [P = 0.6104] the alt. 5 bit runs statistic = 10.98553 [P = 0.3586] the block bit freq. statistic = 298.52051 [P = 0.0349]* the bit frequency statistic = 0.10266 [P = 0.7487] the tidbit frequency statistic = 2.61666 [P = 0.4546] the nibble frequency statistic = 13.42648 [P = 0.5694] the byte frequency statistic = 257.34961 [P = 0.4470] the bit 0 statistic = 1.24375 [P = 0.2647] the bit 1 statistic = 4.90553 [P = 0.0268]* the bit 2 statistic = 0.62880 [P = 0.4278] the bit 3 statistic = 9.88808 [P = 0.0017]** the bit 4 statistic = 0.02503 [P = 0.8743] the bit 5 statistic = 0.36423 [P = 0.5462] the bit 6 statistic = 0.05960 [P = 0.8071] the bit 7 statistic = 0.77248 [P = 0.3795] the overall bit statistic = 17.88750 [P = 0.0221]* the 8-bit-sum statistic = 3.66640 [P = 0.8859] the 16-bit-sum statistic = 0.57040 [P = 0.7519] the 32-bit-sum statistic = 0.26577 [P = 0.8756] the odd/even-bit-sum statistic = 57.45275 [P = 0.6735] the 64-bit matrix statistic = 252.10498 [P = 0.5395] the 128-bit matrix statistic = 272.32617 [P = 0.2177] the 256-bit matrix statistic = 262.55664 [P = 0.3591] the 512-bit matrix statistic = 251.26611 [P = 0.5543] the 1024-bit matrix statistic = 284.94727 [P = 0.0957]* the 2048-bit matrix statistic = 232.39111 [P = 0.8420] the bit prediction A statistic = 0.43216 [P = 0.5109] the bit prediction B statistic = 0.08016 [P = 0.7771] the bit prediction C statistic = 0.06995 [P = 0.7914] the bit prediction D statistic = 2.38831 [P = 0.1222] the bit prediction E statistic = 1.47034 [P = 0.2253] the byte prediction A statistic = 0.12966 [P = 0.7188] the byte prediction B statistic = 0.07083 [P = 0.7901] the byte prediction C statistic = 0.04142 [P = 0.8387] the byte prediction D statistic = 5.96471 [P = 0.0146]* the byte repetition statistic = 2.35392 [P = 0.1250] the 2-byte AND statistic = 3.26553 [P = 0.7749] the 4-byte AND statistic = 0.08794 [P = 0.9570]^ the 4-byte AND-OR statistic = 2.32567 [P = 0.3126] the 2-byte up/down statistic = 0.02365 [P = 0.9882]^ the 4-byte up/down statistic = 6.02004 [P = 0.5374] the rect. distance statistic = 3.11528 [P = 0.7942] the 4-byte collision statistic = 1.02358 [P = 0.3117] the 6-byte collision statistic = 0.72311 [P = 0.3951] the 8-byte collision statistic = 1.06085 [P = 0.3030] the 12-byte collision statistic = 0.77192 [P = 0.3796] the 16-byte collision statistic = 0.23182 [P = 0.6302] the 24-byte collision statistic = 1.11409 [P = 0.2912] the 32-byte collision statistic = 0.34269 [P = 0.5583] the 1-byte offset XOR statistic = 251.13965 [P = 0.5566] the 2-byte offset XOR statistic = 211.06055 [P = 0.9793]^ the 6-byte offset XOR statistic = 263.55566 [P = 0.3431] the 24-byte offset XOR stat. = 246.07715 [P = 0.6444] the 120-byte offset XOR stat. = 268.80273 [P = 0.2644] the 720-byte offset XOR stat. = 254.93262 [P = 0.4894] the 5040-byte offset XOR stat. = 292.60156 [P = 0.0528]* the 40320-byte offset XOR stat. = 267.61328 [P = 0.2813] the 362880-byte off. XOR stat. = 242.13965 [P = 0.7087] the mod 3 statistic = 2.28795 [P = 0.3186] the mod 5 statistic = 1.68561 [P = 0.7933] the mod 7 statistic = 6.30527 [P = 0.3899] the mod 11 statistic = 4.73410 [P = 0.9082]^ the mod 13 statistic = 15.20102 [P = 0.2306] the mod 17 statistic = 10.10050 [P = 0.8613] the mod 19 statistic = 18.98953 [P = 0.3925] the mod 23 statistic = 20.34763 [P = 0.5613] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------